Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I'm Back

I'm Back!! I have been so busy planning for the gathering this past weekend. As I said before, my husband is teaching homeschool students on-line. We invited them to Lancaster this past weekend to meet one another. It was a blast. They had so much fun placing voices with faces. What does this have to do with feasting? If you had told me 1 or 2 years ago that I would be hosting 45 people for 4 days I would have flipped. I believe because I have become accustomed to entertaining and feasting(joyfully)through Sabbath Feasting, this weekend was more of a blessing than hindrance. When you entertain often there are routines that you go through to make things smoother. It all still applied this weekend, just on a little larger scale. The key to hosting and enjoying it is coming up with your routine to make things less hectic. The more laid back you feel, the more your guests enjoy themselves. Things can and will go wrong, but most of the time if you can laugh it off, or guests will as well. Do not stress, start out small, and above all enjoy your time to fellowship with others.

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