Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday

In our family worship this morning my husband asked if it was too short of notice to prepare a feast for tonight. He does not want to over look Good Friday and thought that ending the day in feasting and thanksgiving to our Saviour would be great. So, I am off to the store. We have been invited to spend Easter with friends, so I would not be doing a whole feast that day. We will move tomorrow's feast to tonight. As I thought about his request I realized that as a family we have really neglected Good Friday. Sometimes I feel we forget the incredible sacrifice that was made for us. Yes, the miracle is in the resurrection, but there would be no resurrection without the death. As Christians I am afraid we take God's love and Christ's death for granted. I am now looking forward to the worship time we will have together tonight. What are your plans for the Easter weekend?

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I'm Back

Things have been extremely hectic around here. I was thinking things would start to slow down, but looks as if that does not happen anymore. As our life gets busier, I am more than ever seeing the need to set the Sabbath aside as a special time to leave everything else alone and focus on Christ. I was talking to an Amish friend this week and she reminded me that as "Englishers" we are so busy with all of the unnecessary things that we forget to stop and be thankful for God's creation. I am not becoming Amish, but in my conversation with her I did feel a need to evaluate the things in my life and categorize them as necessary and unnecessary. I have determined that I will always be busy, but I will try to stop make excuses for letting the unnecessary spill over into the Sabbath. I am not a legalistic person. If you see me make a quick stop at the grocery store on Sunday or something else not deemed Sabbath worthy, please do not judge me. I am not perfect. I just want my children to know that the God we serve is worth laying everything else aside to give Him His day. Any thoughts on this?