Tuesday, June 5, 2007


In the comment section a few weeks ago I had someone ask about our liturgy. Since comments are not read by everyone I thought I would spend the week talking about it. Today I would like to talk about the importance of not forcing this on your husband. As the head of your home it is very important he take the lead in guiding your family through this celebration. What if your husband is not into it? Then have a great meal and time of fellowship and be thankful for the memories your children will have of dining together as you celebrate the Sabbath. In our family my husband is all about liturgy, but a little slow to start anything. He felt stuck and not sure where to begin. So, he left it up to me to get ideas and he would implement what worked well and seemed to flow naturally in our home. I am not saying you cannot approach your husband, but if he knows your desire, leave at that. God will bless your obedience in following your husbands lead.

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