Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Quick Meals

I have been asked before to write to working moms to give advice on general quick meals and feasting meals. Any advice I had was just a shot in the dark because I was not a working mother. Well, I am going through a season now which I am working. I am working on a writing project for Veritas Press. If you have not heard they are providing daily lesson plans for all of the home school curriculum for grades K-6. I am helping with that. Thankfully I can do this at home, but my meal planning and prep time has really been limited. The first week we ate out 3 nights. Obviously, that was not going to work long term. I will tell how I have tried to fix this. First, I decided I really had to have a menu and stick to it. I know a week in advance what we will eat and if I get a chance throughout the week I do prep work. This also allows me to cook what I can when I get up in the morning to reheat later. Tonight we are having barbecued chicken. I cooked it in the oven this morning and will reheat it on the grill before we eat. I have been doubling dishes if I can. On Monday we had Spaghetti Casserole. I doubled it and will have the other one next week. Last night was pork chops and creamed peas and potatoes. I doubled the peas and potatoes for tomorrow night. As for feasting, I will still do the same type of meals as always. I will more than likely do more main dishes that can be put in the oven or on the grill and be left alone. These things have been helpful to me. If you have other ideas please tell me.


Anne said...

I'm in a very busy season right now, too, so I've had to be more diligent with meal-planning as well. I haven't planned a week in advance, but planning even a few days ahead is an improvement for me! ;-)

I, too, have been making extra food so we have plenty of leftovers. Also, I brown lots of ground beef at once and freeze in bags to pull out for spaghetti sauce or chili or soup.

Julie said...

Thanks, Anne. The ground beef is a good idea. I supose I could do that with chicken as well. I have friends who freeze thier chicken in the marinade. All they have to do is defrost it and throw it on the grill or in the oven.

Anne said...

I forgot to say that it's cool you're working on the new lesson plans for VP. I recently recommended those to a friend, and I sure wish they'd been available when my kids were younger!

Julie said...


Thanks for the encouragement. It has been a lot of fun. It is a much bigger project than I thought, but it has been fun to put it all together. Also, thanks for the recommendation. I have been impressed with the quality of the ones I have read from others. We will buy them if we decide to homeschool.

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