Monday, July 23, 2007

Why do we Feast? Part II

Okay, I was a lot busier last week than I had anticipated. Sorry it has taken a week for me to get back to my blog. Last week I said one reason we feast is to set the Sabbath aside as a special day. The second reason is, we use it as a time to prepare ourselves for worship the following day. For years we have always done something to prepare ourselves for worship. It has always been a pet-peeve of my husband's to think we could enter God's house to worship Him without preparing our hearts in some way. We have prepared in different ways through the years. When we heard of Sabbath feasting we thought it was a perfect way to do this. We start our Sabbath with a celebration which gets our hearts and minds prepared to set the day aside for God. My feasts are not always perfect, in fact rarely ever, but it is always a time with the family to put everything else aside, and to focus on God and all He has done for us.


Momathon said...

We have tried to implement a Sabbath dinner at our home for the past year. It has sometimes been pizza on paper plates foodwise, but it has always been a time of loving preparation for our family. Thanks for this encouraging site!

Julie said...

We have sometimes too resorted to pizza or other quick meals. We have found we would rather do it this way than skip a week of feasting. It has become such a fun tradition.