Monday, March 12, 2007

Sick Children

Feasting did not happen this weekend. Jackson had a temp of 104 all weekend, therefore my time was spent holding and trying to rehydrate him. I HATE when the babies are sick. The older ones can at least tell me what hurts them. At 10 months all he could do was look at me with a little pathetic look on his face. Anyway, when I first started this blog it was to give ideas about feasting. I have decided to make Monday recipe day. Hopefully this will be helpful as you spend your week planning your feast. Wednesdays will be general ideas. Please share any recipes or ideas. I spend a lot of my time trying to find ways to feast on a budget. For that matter eating in general takes creative budgeting for most families. Therefore, my recipes will be for feasting and sometimes weeknight meals as well. This week I will share a couple of potato recipes. Potatoes can be dressed up to make a very elegant side dish to a feast. Our favorite is roasted potatoes. Cheesy mashed potatoes are good as well. Abondante Living has a Asiago Potato recipe posted that is great. Potatoes are probably one of the most inexpensive side dishes. Here are my recipes.

Roasted Potatoes

Cut red potatoes into cubes. Coat them in olive oil, salt, pepper and crushed rosemary. Spread them in one layer on a foil lined baking sheet. Bake at 400 for 45 minutes turning the potatoes every 15 minutes.

Cheesy Mashed Potatoes

5 large potatoes
6 oz sour cream
8 oz cream cheese
2T butter
2tsp onion salt
1/4 tsp pepper
Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 350. Boil peeled potatoes until tender. Mash until smooth. Add remainder of ingredients except Parmesan cheese and beat until light and fluffy. Place in a well-buttered casserole and dot the top with butter. Sprinkle cheese over the top. Cover and bake about 1 hour or until it is heated through. This dish can be made up to 2 days ahead. Do not cook in oven until you are ready to serve it.


Anne said...

So sorry about your sick child. I hope he's doing better now.

Roasted potatoes are one of our favorites around here. Lately I've been throwing in a few garlic cloves with kosher salt, pepper, and olive oil when I roast them. I cook a big batch so we have leftovers.

Your cheesy mashed potatoes sound yummy. I'll have to try them after we settle into our new house. We've decided not to feast these past few weeks while we're moving, so we'll resume in a few more weeks. I'm looking forward to our first feast in our new house!

Julie said...

Thank you, Anne. He is much better today. The garlic sounds great in the potatoes. I am sure you are anxious to be in your new home. It will be fun to continue and start new traditions there.