Have you ever heard anyone say, "our dinners are special every night. We do not have to make a big deal about one particular one." I agree that the dinner table should be a place where family members congregate at the end of a day. It should be a time to reconnect and should be done with all members present as often as possible, preferrably every night. I am not saying you should not have family dinners during the week. I have said previously that I believe your view of the Sabbath can be equated with your view of worship. If your family has daily family worship or even just a couple of times a week, then why go to church on Sunday? If everyday you have a time to worship than what makes Sunday any different? I think we would all agree that Sunday is special and different because it is the Sabbath. Or as my little ones have sadi from time to time it is God's day. I think the point of Sabbath feasting has been missed. It is not just about having a special family meal. If that were the case then I would say sure it is no differet than any other night. But, it is about a celebration. A celebration of our Saviour. It is about setting aside His day and making it center around Him. It is really not about us at all. Yes, we get the added benefit of enjoying the food and festivities, but it really is about Christ.
P.S. For those of you wondering how my weekly planning is going, here it is. The meal that I planned for this is simple so will not require much preparation. This is the first weekend of really nice weather so yard work has to be done. I am making my grocery list today, I will shop and clean house tomorrow, and cook late Saturday afternoon. Everything on my menu can be done in less than an hour.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
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I'm sorry, I don't have any good recipes to share. I'm not a great cook. I will share my menu though. We had taco salad, empaladas, chicken enchiladas, and cheese enchiladas. (And I'm not even sure if I spelled any of that correctly.) We also had sliced oranges and chocolate truffle cake (from the bakery) for dessert. My daughter (14) helped with most of the cooking. We had already had a very tiring weekend before we started the meal preparation and in hindsight I can see that I should have prepared the meat ahead of time. Next week it's fried chicken (we're from the South). Since it's fried I only make it once or twice a year, so it will be a treat. Please post for us about your Mexican Feast. As you can probably tell, I could use the inspiration (smile)!
P.S. The recipe for the empaladas came from my daughter's Spanish curriculum. How fun!
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