Friday, May 4, 2007

Just Start

When I hear a busy mother with little ones say they cannot feast, it is just not possible to do with the children, I want to say, "No, now is the perfect time to start"! Feasting is just a part of developing a love for Sabbath living. If you can't pull off a feast, than just talk to your children about preparing for worship. Help them to realize the importance of setting the Sabbath aside as a special day. For my 3 year old, simply reciting the 4th Commandment at our Sabbath Feast and drinking out of his small wine glass is enough to realize this is a special meal. He could care less if we have PB&J or Filet Mignon. I have heard from those with older children that it is so hard to start later because it becomes awkward for the kids if it is not already a tradition. So, if you are someone who desires to start the tradition of making this a special time, but fill it is impossible to pull off, just start with anything to make this meal different. It will eventually grow into something great.


Anonymous said...

"It will eventually grow into something great." You might have to keep telling me that.

Julie said...


Do not be discouraged. It is hard. Summer is a great time to revamp and start over. I was having a difficult time this time last year. I was given the opportunity to sit down with Nancy Wilson for about an hour and I shared my Sabbath living struggles with her. She had wonderful suggestions. One thing was, since it is the summer, it is easier to make your time together special. Grill out with your family and then play soccer in the yard or take a walk. Sometimes for dessert we go to the local icecream place. My husband called as I am writing this, and I asked what he thaught was the turning point for us. He said when we stopped trying so hard, and just decided to have a fun family night. It is not very often that I have an activity planned. If it is nice weather we will take a walk or bike ride. If not, we may have a game or movie night. Our traditions just happened naturally as we stopped trying to invent them. I am not sure how old your children are. I believe you mentioned a fourteen year old in another post. Do they like to have their father read to them? I know families where the father reads chapter books to the kids until they leave home. I have heard stories of building a camp fire to roast things while dad reads. I don't know where you live or what your family likes, but do not stress. Just let it happen naturally. Nancy Wilson has started a blog, and she has a couple of post on Sabbath Living. It is called Femina. I have a link to it in my sidebar. I have to leave and can not proof this, so please forgive my spelling errors:)