Monday, January 22, 2007

Best Laid Plans

So, what is that they say about best laid plans? Well, in all of my planning last week I forgot it was a teacher work day at school on Friday. Not normally a problem. I know there are home-school moms who cook everyday, and I can cook while the kids are home. But, teacher work days are special for us because, daddy still has to go to school while the kids stay home and have a ton of fun. This usually involves going out to lunch. We had plans Friday night. Therefore my Friday cooking did not get done. Saturday was full as well. I suggested moving the feast. My husband says no. We will just want to crash on Sunday due to the busy weekend, and i was starting to lead a ladies book study that night. He thought it was too much for me. So, he says let's just do a pared down feast. Thankfully we had some steaks in the freezer that had been given to us as a gift. I threw some potatoes in the oven and sauteed some asparagus in garlic olive oil and pine nuts. I sprinkled feta cheese on top when they were done cooking.(Yes, my children love asparagus. I know they are weird.) It would have been okay to just skip this week, but it is a night my family as grown to love. We did not want to skip. We just were a little more laid back. Instead of wild and crazy games, we curled up on the couch as daddy read Prince Caspian. Or as Zachary(3) says Prince P. Caspian. So, what is the point here? Do not be legalistic about feasting. Set the standard you want to attain, knowing that occasionally it will have to be altered.


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